Robot modeling
Robot modeling with differential equations
In this project, I modeled the motion of a Polulu Romi robot using differential equations. The project was divided into two parts:
In the first part, I created differential equations for both the linear and rotational motion of the robot. I used numerical values from documentation and measurements and conducted an experiment to fit the remaining values. The final equation was able to show the relationship between motor voltage and robot position.
In the second part, I ran a Webots simulation of the robot for 30 seconds and recorded input voltages and robot positions. Using these values, I further developed the differential equation model, which allowed me to graph the position of the robot. I used Numpy and Matplotlib to plot and compare the graphs of positions and velocities for both the simulated robot and the mathematical model.
This project showcases my ability to apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios and use simulation software to test and validate models. It also demonstrates my proficiency in programming, data analysis, and data visualization.
Overall, this project was a challenging yet rewarding experience that allowed me to develop my skills in modeling and simulation.