Robot navigation and CV

Romi robot navigation and computer vision

In this project, I developed an algorithm for a robot that can navigate to a specific point on the map where a ball is located. The robot uses a map of the room for path planning and odometry for localization. Once the robot arrives at the approximate location of the ball, it uses a camera and a simple computer vision algorithm to search for the ball using color detection.

The project is written in Python, using OpenCV for computer vision and Numpy for the computations. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience, as it allowed me to develop my skills in robotics, path planning, localization, and computer vision.

This project demonstrates my proficiency in programming and my ability to apply concepts in robotics and computer vision to real-world scenarios. It also highlights my problem-solving skills, as I had to develop an algorithm that incorporated several different components to achieve the desired outcome.

Overall, this project was a great opportunity for me to learn and grow as a developer, and I'm proud of the results I achieved.