
Developing a Floating-Point Sum Module in IEEE 754 Format

The IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic is a cornerstone in computer arithmetic and digital signal processing. In this context, developing an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) capable of performing summation on 32-bit floating-point numbers is both challenging and instructive. This article explores developing and testing a sum module designed for IEEE 754 floating-point numbers, focusing on the sum process, mantissa adjustment, normalization, and the inherent challenges.

Brief Overview of IEEE 754 Format

The IEEE 754 standard for 32-bit floating-point numbers consists of three components:

Sum Process in IEEE 754

Mantissa Adjustment

The first step in adding two floating-point numbers is aligning their exponents. This involves shifting the mantissa of the number with the smaller exponent to the right, effectively scaling it down until both exponents match. In the developed module, this is achieved through the following lines:

exponentDifference = largerExponent - smallerExponent;

smallerMantissa = smallerMantissa >> exponentDifference; 

Summing Mantissas

Once the mantissas are aligned, they are either added or subtracted based on the signs of the numbers. The module handles both scenarios, summing the mantissas for like-signed numbers and performing subtraction for opposite-signed numbers where the larger mantissa is always subtracted from the smaller one to maintain correctness.


Normalization in IEEE 754 format aims to adjust the result so that it conforms to the standard format, particularly ensuring the implicit leading bit of the mantissa. The developed module employs a loop to shift the mantissa left or right until the leading bit is properly placed. This step is crucial for maintaining the precision and accuracy of the result.

In the developed module, normalization is handled through conditional shifting. If the mantissa is too large, it is shifted right, and the exponent is increased accordingly. Conversely, if the mantissa is too small, it is shifted left, and the exponent is decreased. This process ensures that the floating-point number adheres to the standard format, maintaining the balance between range and precision. 


The sum module for IEEE 754 floating-point numbers exemplifies the intricate balance required in digital arithmetic. The challenges of mantissa alignment, normalization, and special case handling are central to accurately and efficiently implementing floating-point operations. The development and testing of this module not only provide a practical application of IEEE 754 standards but also offer a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in computer arithmetic.

Code of the module:

Code of the testbench: